Tuesday 23 July 2013

Despicable Me 2

Hi Guys,
Today I'm ill and off school. Yipeeee!!! I mean ohhhhhh I really wanted to go to school today (not).....
So I thought for my second post I would write about movies!! Because soon I am going to go and watch monsters university with my little brother, I havent seen it yet and I cant wait to see it!! But now I am going to tell you guys about despicable me 2 which I am obsessed with!! Its like the best movie ever!!!
So the film starts of with Agnes Bday party- so cute!!!!

Then Gru meets this lady who is played by kristen wiig- she is so funny!!
Now we start to think that the lady is evil-well thats what I thought anyway.... 
Also in this movie the minions are back yeeeaaaayyy!!!! They are hilarious in this and I was laughing practically the whole way through! There aren't too many spoilers in here but there  might be a few so watch out.......Right lets carry on
Margo falls in love with this guy antonio- played by moses arias (rico from hannah montana!!!)

Then we meet EL MACHO ho owns a restaurant with a crazy chicken or rooster or something???

Soooo I'm not gonna say anymore!!I think you guys should definitely watch it because it really is an awesome movie!! Im gonna write another post after I have seen monsters university! So....I will see you then!! Byeeeee ;)

Monday 22 July 2013

Welcome To My Blog!!!

Hey Everybody!!!
Welcome to my first ever blog post!
My blog is gonna be all about my life as a teenage girl, high school student, a responsible(ish) older sister, crazy photographer, delicious cupcake maker, snorkelling lover and I could list alllll my other hobbies but that would probably take up the whole page, and I don't want this post to be boring soooo lets start.

First of all I think you guys should know a little bit about me. So here is a list of 5 things about moi!!!

1) I love travelling!!! My favourite type of holidays are to super hot countries, lazing around on the beach all day OR skiing down snowy mountains!! My favourite holiday I have ever been on was definitely the Maldives, it was amazing. The snorkelling was out of this world!!!!

2) I love watchin movies!! Disney favs: Nemo, monsers inc
Chick Flicks (luv 'em): Wild child, house bunny, st trinians (does that count???)
Serious ones: Zero dark 30 - sooo cool, inception <3 leo dicaprio!!!

3) I do taekwondo which is kinda cool but its sooooo tiring and theres loads of fitness and stuff in the lessons!!! I am red belt now so theres only 1 belt left till I get to black belt!!! Wooo! I dont score too well in competitions though and usually get beat up, it usually ends with me crying!!!:'(

4) Okkkay number 4..... I should probably tell you a random fact about me now. It's sooo hard to think of random facts!!!! Ooooh ok I got one! Once I emailed nintendo to ask them if I could test games for them and be one of those you know 'game testers'. They emailed back with like a 5 page essay, Im not a fan of reading so I skipped to the end...... basically it was a no.
5) I'm scared of birds! Especially pigeons! and our garden is aallwwaayyss filled with pigeons and magpies.The other day I left my flip flop out in the garden for 1 NIGHT, only a night!! and they pecked at the strap and broke it off. They were my fave flip flops and I had to chuck them away!!!
  So thats it... the end of my first post. But please keep reading because Im gonna post everything from posts about baking cupcakes to snorkelling with sharks to funny things that happen in my day!!! I will definitely keep posting because I have nearly finished this year at school!!!!

adios, ahn young ee gah sae yo, sawatdee, adieu!!!! ;):)

(p.s they all mean bye!!)